Work Health, Safety, Wellbeing and Injury Prevention
- Trainers, with broad vocational and industry experience
- Dedicated professional development program for training staff
- Customised training and consulting services
Download Work Health & Safety Brochure
Assisting you to meet Work Health & Safety (WHS) / Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) compliance, continuous improvement and best practice.
Recovre’s Work Health & Safety (WHS) Training & Consulting helps individuals and companies realise their potential through customised service solutions that reduce risk of injury and maximise work health, safety and wellbeing.
- Our team of experienced WHS and Allied Health Consultants have a wealth of qualifications and experience. We are committed to investing in our people to ensure we are at the forefront of the industry.
- With over 200 people across Australia, our consultants are fuelled with a diverse range of vocational and industry experience.
- Our WHS Training and Consulting services are customised to customer needs.
- Experience national consistency, local expertise and an unrivalled breadth of services
Download Recovre’s Wellbeing Services Brochure
Our popular service lines include:
Health & Safety Representative (HSR) Initial Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) Training course
Initial 5 day Health & Safety Representatives (HSR) course (NSW WorkCover approved)
Course information
See Recovre’s HSR training flyer
1 Day Health and Safety Representative (HSR) Refresher Training course (NSW WorkCover approved)
Course information
See Recovre’s HSR training flyer
Learn more about Recovre’s HSR training services
Proposals for private training courses can be provided.
WHS Gap Analysis, Audits, Inspections and Risk Assessments
WHS Gap Analysis, Audits, Inspections and Risk Assessments
Our highly qualified and experienced Consultants complete Work Health and Safety reviews of your organisation’s WHS compliance. This is achieved through more formal auditing and report against benchmark standards such as AS4801 or SafetyMap or less formal WHS Inspections.
Gap Analysis Desktop Audit
We review your WHS policies and procedures to help find gaps in your WHS Management System and provide areas for improvement to meet compliance against Australian Standards (based on AS/NZS 4801). We support you to prepare for full WHS audits and develop practical action plans.
WHS Site Validation Audit
Our site-based assessment evaluates what you say on paper is what you perform in the actual workplace. We assist you to identify, assess and control WHS risks with recommendations to further develop your WHS Management system and work practices.
Workplace Inspection
Proactively identify and address WHS hazards with our regular and structured workplace inspections. Our WHS experts inspect potential WHS hazards on your site and industry.
Hazards may include: plant and equipment; chemical and dangerous goods; trip / slip / fall hazards; traffic management; forklift safety; manual handling; ergonomics; lighting; noise; temperature; guarding; amenities; first aid and emergency plans.
We support your workplace with tools that are appropriate to your workplace and train nominated staff to conduct an effective WHS inspection.
Risk Assessment
WHS Risk Assessments proactively identify hazards, control risk and address WHS risks that may have otherwise resulted in an injury or incident.
We support you to create a safer and healthier workplace.
Learn more about Recovre’s WHS Audit and Inspection services
Proposals for private services can be provided.
WHS Management System / Policy and Procedure - Review and Development
WHS Management System / Policy and Procedure – Review and Development
A Work, Health and Safety Management System is a systematic methodology used to address Work, Health and Safety in an organisation. It is a framework of policies, procedures and resource documents to assist a workplace in understanding WHS accountabilities, roles and responsibilities and practices. All of this reduces risk of injury, illness or incidents and promotes better reporting and management.
Recovre’s WHS Consultants are experienced in supporting businesses to develop or review and update WHS Management Systems. This may include reviewing existing documentation and resources or the development of complete WHS Management Systems.
Learn more about Recovre’s WHS Management System consulting services
Proposals for private services can be provided.
WHS and Injury Management Outsourcing
WHS and Injury Management Outsourcing
We have strong WHS and Injury Management relationships with our customers. They understand the benefits, costs and value of outsourcing their WHS and Injury Management functions to our team.
The services may be utilised in a customer’s busy periods, in periods of annual leave or between recruitment – or for short and long term projects where specific technical knowledge is required.
Your Recovre Account Manager ensures service accountabilities are set from the onset with structured meetings and reporting as required. We can match you with a consultant that best fits your workplace.
We work with a wide variety of customers to provide a range of in-house support to drive day to day operational activities or for project based activities. These may include:
WHS outsourcing
- Incident investigation and management
- Risk assessments
- WHS inspections
- Facilitation of WHS committees
- Delivery of toolbox talks / daily WHS checks
- Contractor management / permit to work checks
- Preparation for WHS audits
- Implementation of WHS audits actions
- WHS Management System development
- Implementation of WHS Management Systems
Injury Management outsourcing
- RTW Coordinator or Injury Manager Advisor roles
- RTW planning
- Early Intervention activity (e.g. worksite assessment, ergonomic assessment, liaison with
- treating practitioners)
- Working with Workers Compensation Agents
- GP Case Conferencing
See Recovre’s WHS and Injury Management Outsources service flyer
Learn more about Recovre’s WHS and Injury Management outsource services
Proposals for private services can be provided.
Contractor Management
Contractor Management
Many workplaces engage contractors for various services. You need confidence that your workplace has appropriate contractor management systems in place to provide a safe and healthy workplace for these workers including appropriate induction, supervision and safe operation procedures. You must also ensure that the Contractor (or their PCBU) has appropriate WHS Management Systems in place including appropriate licensing, Safe Work Method Statements and insurances.
Any Employer’s / person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) have a non-delegable duty of care to ensure their business has an effective contractor management system in place. Recovre can assist you to develop such systems.
We can help you with:
- Developing induction programs and Contractor WHS data gathering tools
- Onsite consulting during project periods: induct, check licences, daily safety checks/toolbox presentations
- Contractor Audits – casting an independent eye over your contractors
Learn more about Recovre’s WHS Contractor Management services
Proposals for private services can be provided.
Incident Investigation
Incident Investigation
When an event occurs, it is a legal requirement that workplaces appropriately investigate the incident. Thorough investigations reduce the risk of recurrence and can potentially minimise your risk of prosecution.
If the incident is notifiable the Regular will want to see and analyse your incident investigation.
We can help you with:
- Completing incident investigations and understanding the root causes
- Developing incident investigation tools
Training internal staff responsible for incident investigation including the legal requirement to not disturb a site
Learn more about Recovre’s WHS Incident Investigation services, contact:
Proposals for private services can be provided.
Health and safety issue related to computer based work are increasing. Sometimes minor adjustments to a workstation and educating workers on injury prevention strategies can have a significant impact on injury reduction and productivity – increasing the happiness and wellbeing of your workforce.
Our trusted Allied Health and WHS specialists frequently provide ergonomic assessments and training. Using Recovre’s unique SHAPE UP methodology, our assessment and training considers holistic factors i.e. physical, psychological, environment, human and Risk Management and self-management approaches.
We have a range of tools and resources to support, assess and educate workers.
Ergonomics services information click on this heading and the brochure to come up (WIP)
Watch Recovre’s videos on Office ergonomics, Stretches for the Office and Postural variation
Learn more about Recovre’s Ergonomics services
Proposals for private services can be provided.
Manual Handling
Manual Handling
In 2013–14: – a total of 106 565 serious claims were accepted by Australian workers’ compensation authorities – 61 percent of serious claims were for sprains, strains and musculoskeletal disorders*.
*For more information, see the Australian Workers’ Compensation Statistics 2013-14 report.
Injuries related to manual handling activities continue to be an issue for many workplaces and come at huge direct and indirect expense.
Recovre frequently provides manual handling consulting and training service, based on evidence and the clinical reasoning.
Our services are developed and delivered by our expert team of Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapists, Exercise Physiologist and WHS Consultants.
Recovre approaches manual tasks training and consulting services using our unique “SHAPE UP” methodology. This adopts principles of Participatory Ergonomics, to drive behavioral change and risk management strategies to continue back in the workplace.
Watch our video on Participatory Ergonomics to hear more about this approach.
Recovre has range of tools and resources to support the assessment and education to workers.
See Recovre’s Manual Handling Service flyer
Learn more about Recovre’s Manual handling services
Proposals for private services can be provided.
Wellbeing programs
Wellbeing programs
We have a team of Allied Health (including Psychologists and Rehabilitation Counsellors) and WHS specialists that provide a range of wellbeing programs to meet your workplace requirements.
We conduct worker wellbeing surveys to establish the health and wellbeing issues, trends and needs for your workplace to develop tailored wellbeing programs.
Some formats have included; a calendar of lunch and learn wellbeing programs; progressive wellbeing development programs (including health passports); one off sessions or seminars; health and wellbeing expos.
Examples of session topics:
- Preventative exercise
- Physical Wellbeing, Fitness & Healthy Eating
- Understanding, preventing and managing Workplace Stress
- Strategies to manage the ageing workforce
- Worklife balance
- Women’s Health/Men’s Health
- Understanding Depression/Anxiety and its impacts on work/life
- Assertiveness skills & Influencing Skills
- Building Emotional resilience
- Fatigue management
- Change Management
- Tips for shift workers
- Substance abuse: Alcohol and its impacts
- Appropriate workplace behaviours
- Workplace Bullying and harassment
- Managing interactions with “Difficult “ people
Learn more about Recovre’s Wellbeing services
Proposals for private services can be provided.
WHS and Injury Prevention Induction
WHS and Injury Prevention Induction
Safety Induction plays an extremely important role in the introduction to any business. We support our customers to develop tailored staff inductions programs to ensure that your workplace understands the legal requirements and internal WHS & Injury Management policies and procedures. This allows you to work safely, proactively identify and report hazards and early stages of injury.
This can include Safety induction information for any individual, visitor or contractors on your premises.
Examples of services:
- Safety videos
- Content for online training modules
- Competency based assessment tools
- Induction Policies and Procedures
- Train the trainer programs for internal staff to manage induction programs such as manual handling and ergonomics
Learn more about Recovre’s Safety WHS and Injury Prevention Induction services
Proposals for private services can be provided.
Job Dictionaries & Task Analysis
Job Dictionaries & Task Analysis
Job Dictionaries, commonly referred to as Suitable Duties Registers or Task Analysis, is a document that clearly outlines the critical demands of job roles and tasks. This includes the physical, psychological, environmental and work system demands with photo’s and/or video’s.
These are developed by our workplace task analysis experts including Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Exercise Physiologists, Psychologists & WHS specialists.
Supporting you to achieve injury prevention and management outcomes
Support pre-employment screening and functional capacity assessments
- To ensure assessments meet the work demands
Demonstrate job demands at recruitment
- Ensure potential new employees understand the real work demands
Drive RTW outcomes
- Provides treating practitions with clear information to make informed decisions on injured worker’s RTW
Support risk management activity
- Whilst developing the Job Dictionary recommendations on WHS risk controls can also be made
Learn more about Recovre’s Job Dictionary services
Proposals for private services can be provided.
Return-to-work training
Return-to-work training
Upskill your workforce in legislative and best practice approaches to RTW, injury management and prevention. Our team of Return to Work (RTW) specialists provide a range of training services.
Recovre are approved to deliver the Regulator course in NSW:
- 2 Day NSW Introduction to Return-to-Work Coordination (WorkSafe NSW approved)
- Advanced Return to Work Coordination Course (WorkSafe NSW approved)
We develop and deliver tailored programs for your workplace including RTW Best Practice for Managers & Supervisor training.
Learn as we share with you:
- Your responsibilities with regards to RTW & legislative requirements
- Impacts of injuries and illness
- Health benefits of safe work and early RTW interventions
- Risk Management and Incident Investigation
- The RTW process and how a manager can have an impact at each stage
- Assistance available from Workplace Rehabilitation Providers
- Best practice strategies for managing RTW (using case studies and customer internal policies and procedures)
Learn more about Recovre’s Return to Work services
Drug and Alcohol Testing Service
Drug and Alcohol Testing Service
Screening for drugs and alcohol is becoming increasingly important in the workplace as the impact of improper alcohol and other recreational drug use can present a serious risk to health, safety and workplace productivity.
By using Recovre to manage drug and alcohol screening, managers do not have to spend time sourcing providers and dealing with medical information. Recovre can ensure fast turnaround times and enabling rapid action to be taken at the workplace.
Underpinning our drug and alcohol screening process is our commitment to adhering to the highest quality assurance standards. We are committed to meeting and exceeding the needs of our customers, demonstrated by our effective resourcing and our extensive range of quality assurance practices.